Tindra Frost – no party tonight

Tindra Frost is such a party girl. The only way to stop her is to lock her in some serious metal. Which is exactly what I did. Tindra is not going to the party tonight, unless he wants to show up in a RigidFiddle. She probably would do that, now I think of it…


Tindra Frost – topless cuffed fitness

Tindra Frost is back! Can she do her fitness exercises while handcuffed? Watch the video to find out!


Tindra Frost wants to get changed

Tindra locked herself in pink handcuffs and pink ankle cuffs for someone special! But when her plans change, she needs to go out first and she realizes she doesn’t have the keys for these cuffs! It’s raining outside! How is she going to change her clothes?


Tindra Frost – relaxing in the garden

Tindra Frost in handcuffs, relaxing in the garden! Spring is coming!!


Music and cuffs

Tindra needs to study, but instead she just listens to music and lounges around… topless. Being handcuffed makes her want to relax!


Tindra Frost hogcuffed in the sun

Tindra Frost wanted to get a tan outside. But we hogcuffed her when she was lying face down on her towel! She doesn’t mind though, Tindra is super kinky!
