Tag: Rosie
Rosie – so cute in pink
The cutest teen of all! Rosie is back and she will try on the pink handcuffs and leg irons! Enjoy this incredibly cute self cuffing video and picture set!
DownloadRosie – pink RigidFiddle!!
The perfectly cute Rosie gets to try a new version of the RigidFiddle and it is PINK!! It’s solid and padlocked so she can’t escape it, but she gives it a good try!
DownloadRosie – bedroom struggle
It’s cute Rosie! One of our cutest girls, and she loves handcuffs! Well, not for too long. She was in these tight black cuffs for a bit longer than she wanted because we took our time to shoot. But with Rosie, we just don’t want to let her go. It’s her own fault for being so cute.
DownloadRosie – afternoon in black cuffs
One of the most perfect girls we have found is the British Rosie! She is just the cutest! Her smile and her eyes are just so pure and submissive, we want to keep her cuffed forever! Rosie is not as innocent as she looks though! Her cuteness can usually get her anything she wants, but we were strong enough to keep the keys away from her this afternoon, leaving her cuffed behind the back in black UZI handcuffs.