Serenity in various poses – topless!
Serenity cuffed in a lot of poses, thumbcuffs, elbow cuffs, ankle cuffs. Topless!!
DownloadSarah cuffed and leg ironed
Plus key search video, cuffed behind the back and ankle cuffed!
DownloadPrincess searching for the key
One of the hottest girls ever, walking around in hinged handcuffs, searching for the key.
DownloadPink ASP hinged cuffs in bath
Kayla taking a bath cuffed in ASP hinged handcuffs, bubbly!!!
DownloadChristie in Alcyon handcuffs
Plus keysearch video, key is hidden inside a balloon, so Christie has to pop it!
DownloadThe Serenity Collection
A collection of Serenity pictures in various handcuffs and locations!
DownloadIntroducing Steph and Vanessa
Including a great video where Steph has to rescue Vanessa, who is cuffed to a chair. The only problem is: Steph is blindfolded and cuffed, so Vanessa can only give her voice commands to retrieve the key and let Steph come to her rescue!
DownloadJacuzzi fun with Kitty
Kitty is playing around in the jacuzzi is in black handcuffs. She really is having fun, you just wonder how long it takes before she gets it in her head to throw foam at the camera…
DownloadSerenity’s blindfolded balloon escape
Serenity escaping from heavy handcuffs and leg irons. She is blindfolded and the keys are hidden inside balloons! 🙂
DownloadJacuzzi fun in hinged cuffs
Regina having fun in the jacuzzi! She is handcuffed but she does not care about that!
DownloadKitty cuffed and shackled
Plus a funny video of Kitty trying to walk around the room, having a great time!