Sarah showering in cuffs
The beautiful Sarah tries showering in pink hinged handcuffs for the first time in her life!
DownloadBlindfolded key challenge
Anise is going for the blindfolded key challenge! 4 balloons, and they are ALL containing keys! Only one key fits her hinged handcuffs and leg irons though!!
DownloadNew girl Doe in waist chain
Our cute new teen girl Doe is cuffed in a waist chain and leg irons. Her assignment: search for the keys or stay locked up forever!
Download200 updates!!
Celebrating 200 updates on! Megan Star in a topless wrist-to-ankle blindfolded balloon escape challenge!!
DownloadThe chair challenge!
The lovely London in bikini takes on the chair escape challenge! Very funny video clip and gorgeous picture set!
DownloadHinged on wrists and ankles!
Hinged handcuffs on wrists and ankles for new girl Cera! And another pair to connect them, she won’t be going anywhere!
DownloadHappy Birthday Sarah!
Oh no! It’s Sarah’s birthday and the keys to her handcuffs are somewhere inside lots of cupcakes! Now she will have to eat them all to escape her cuffs! Or wait, maybe the keys are inside the balloons? What a way to start off your birthday!
DownloadAnkle to wrist challenge
Cute Jessii trying to escape from an ankle-to-wrist position, the key is inside of one of the balloons!
DownloadBlindfolded key search
Megan Star in black hinged handcuffs and blindfold, trying to find the key!!
DownloadNicole Elizabeth exploring cuffs
Nicole Elizabeth self cuffing in front and behind the back!
DownloadTopless cuffed Jenga
London playing Jenga in hinged handcuffs. After her first attempt, she has to do it again, this time with her hands behind her back!!
DownloadLianna – fun bubbling
Lianna in black hinged handcuffs, having great fun bubbling in the hot tub, playing with loads of foam!
DownloadHeavy cuffing for Anise
New girl Anise is told to cuff herself into many pairs of handcuffs! Heavy!
DownloadMonica – no way out
Monica in hinged handcuffs, trying to get them off! She is very inexperienced, so she struggles to find a way out.
DownloadHinged cuffs and bangles
New girl Jessii is blindfolded and cuffed while trying to find all of her bangle bracelets!
DownloadLeather handcuffs
Nicole Elizabeth in leather handcuffs! Plus leather collar-and-cuffs key search adventure in the video clip!
DownloadNaked self cuffing
The beautiful Megan Star handcuffing herself in heavy cuffs and leg irons!! In front and behind her back!
DownloadLondon’s blindfolded escape
New girl London in black and red handcuffs, trying a blindfolded balloon escape! Don’t miss this one, it is fun!!
DownloadWrist to ankle cuffing!
Monica cuffed in a very interesting position! Plus blindfolded balloon escape attempt video!
DownloadSmall girl – huge handcuffs
Niky’s slender wrists in ultra heavy Clejuso handcuffs and Polish handcuffs. Leg irons too!
DownloadCheyenne shackled and cuffed
Plus escape video! Hinged handcuffs, keyholes facing away from hands!
DownloadPopcorn in elbow cuffs
Nicole Elizabeth cuffed in elbow cuffs, hinged handcuffs, and thumbcuffs, making popcorn!
DownloadDanielle happy in cuffs
With nice long key search HD video in leg irons and hinged handcuffs!
DownloadCheyenne in the tub
Plus video clips of the key dropped into the tub, hard to find with all this foam!
DownloadSamantha loves cuffs and shackles!
Plus 2 video clips: key searching and blindfolded escaping!