Month: August 2022
Lauren Louise calling for help
The problem with handcuffs is… they are too tempting! Another girl got stuck today. Lauren Louise put these black cuffs on her wrists without thinking and now she has to call a friend to come rescue her. So embarassing!
DownloadTindra Frost – no party tonight
Tindra Frost is such a party girl. The only way to stop her is to lock her in some serious metal. Which is exactly what I did. Tindra is not going to the party tonight, unless he wants to show up in a RigidFiddle. She probably would do that, now I think of it…
DownloadLucy Lauren – a special surprise
Cute Lucy Lauren was very excited when she found a little round gift box! She loves surprises! The box contained 2 pairs of handcuffs, and Lucy didn’t hesitate to lock them on her wrists and ankles. She got really aroused! Until she found out there was no key…
DownloadSouth – self cuffing
Tall swimmer South is cuffing herself in this update! She looks great in this neck-wrist combination!
DownloadNew girl Elizabeth in Clejuso heavy weight cuffs
3 kilos of steel on new girl Elizabeth! She was a bit confused at first, but then she liked it! It’s a great workout and these cuffs are very comfortable for an afternoon!