Adora cuffed on the swing
Here is a tricky puzzle for our blonde Adora. She is handcuffed and leg ironed on the swing. It IS possible to get off the swing, but we don’t think she understands how that would work. Can you see how she could get off the swing?
Just in case no-one else has pointed out the solution [and it’s not exactly blonde-level 🙂 ]:
[1] She should grab hold of a chain (she cannot reach both chains), and use the chain to pull herself up high enough to stand on the seat of the swing.
[2] Once she is standing on the swing seat, she should let go of the chain, and jump off the swing seat *backwards*. This will cause the swing seat to come up between her handcuffs and her body.
[3] At this point she can crouch downwards and let the swing seat rise above her handcuffs; it can then pass between her arms, and she can then step backwards away from the swing.